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Donations raised
Fundraiser goal

St. Mary’s Cement Virtual Food Drive 2023

At St. Mary’s Cement we strive to be socially responsible and available for constructive dialogue about our operations and view social responsibility as having two parts: managing potential impacts resulting from our operations and getting involved with causes important to the communities that surround our sites. Our goal as a business is to make a positive impact though our products — and charitable activities. Please join us in supporting Gleaners work towards their mission of feeding those in need across our local communities in Southeastern Michigan.

St. Mary’s Cement Virtual Food Drive 2023
This fundraiser ended September 11, 2023.
Thank you for your gift

Fundraiser Donations

Individual Donations


Greg DeFrancisco

$50.00 Monetary Donation

St Marys Cement

$100.00 Monetary Donation

Tamara Lathan

$51.70 Cart Donation