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Fundraiser goal

De Jong DUKE THANKS-IS-GIVING Virtual Food Drive 2023

We have partnered with Gleaners again this year for our annual THANKS-IS-GIVING food drive.   By participating in this food drive, we can have the incredible opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Feel free to contribute Thanksgiving themed food items or any other non-perishable essentials that can help nourish families and individuals in need.  In addition, monetary donations are also greatly appreciated.   Even $1 can make a difference and provide 3 meals to a family in need, and Gleaners has offered to double our efforts on November 14 and November 16, which instantly changes 3 meals into 6 for every $1 donated.  Our goal here at de Jong DUKE- Taylor is to help ensure that no family goes without a warm meal this holiday season.  Thank you all in advance for embracing our commitment to giving back to our community.

De Jong DUKE THANKS-IS-GIVING Virtual Food Drive 2023
This fundraiser ended November 25, 2023.
Thank you for your gift

Fundraiser Donations

Individual Donations



$50.00 Monetary Donation


$12.18 Cart Donation